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In the light of the above statement, is the internet the bad guy? Internet is just a realization of technology and does not control itself. Many good and bad pictures have been painted concerning this guy. Picture and the process that happen in the people cognitive system can be liken to the experience that happened during the course of using this guy or ugly event happened. It is an infrastructure invented to help human race achieve his/her goals. Below is the little of this guy benefit if it is worth of rejected or accepted by all.
In the course of projecting internet or allow it to be embrace by all has unite people from different background or culture which has and still promoting unity among nation. It brings agreement in order to reach a particular goals e.g IGF Meeting and others.
Employment is another key issue which internet has help in providing for thousands of people. The means of income of some life is internet and if this guy fold up what will be the result on our country. Hmmm, high rate of unemployment.
Business whether private or non-profit, NGO both depend on internet for profit making. Through this platform, business enriches their bank account every second and minutes without any stress. Also promote the image of organisation by making it possible for business to reach their customer within and outside their domain.
It is a platform or system of idea exhibition and E-voice system where people showcase what they have in store and contribute to the world as a whole by sharing their idea toward a particular issue.
This infrastructure also promotes E-friends where you can meet with different people form different location to share experience, advice and for other purposes.
It also serves as a bank of materials and researches from scholars to aid learning and instruction, research and for decision making. Hardly is lacking of information from any field or discipline aid by this guy.
Easy mode of communication and cost reduction. This platform ensures immediate disseminating of information and brings comfort to human race. It eliminates the physical barrier in communication and brings about effective communication.
 E-educational system where teaching and learning is toward student centeredness and not towards teacher centeredness.  E-politic where campaign is done online to allow people choose the best candidate and allow the citizen cast their vote (E-voting). E-information drives our world today. It make information (news) be ready available for consumption and circulated quickly as wild fire e.t.c.
In order way round, people believe that internet promote pornography, spamming e.t.c. Remember that internet is just an infrastructure(technology) which need human for effective operation whether to program it or to operate it, therefore, the bad guy is not the internet but those whose motive in using it to promote their evil intention and against its objective. Internet is the good guy and deserve to be promote and support by all


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