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Dakar – Nairobi – Geneva 14/12/2018

As part of the Africa Ecommerce weekend 2018 held in Nairobi from 10 to 14 December 2018, the African Civil Society on the Company of the largest pan-African network ICT Information organized the first contest of mobile e-commerce applications (ECMAA Awards). According to the president of ACSIS, Dr. Cissé Kane, the competition aimed to stimulate creativity and innovation among young talents, students, young graduates of our continent (and its diaspora) and promote solutions for new job opportunities through the development of e-commerce mobile application.
50 applications from 15 African countries were registered. Of the 18 pre-selected teams, 11 gathered in Nairobi to participate in the final as well as 2 teams online. 
The final of the Competition took place on Friday, December 14, 2018.

 The International Jury consisted of:
  •   Mrs. Nnenna Nwakanma, Web Foundation, Nigeria, President of the Jury
  •  M. Alyoune Badara Diop, Secretary-General ADIE Senegal
  • Mr. Amine Mounir, CEO AfricanCreates, Morocco
  • Mrs. Safia Youssouf Mahamat, Association pour le développement de la Société de l’Information, Chad
  • M. Mohamadou Diallo, Managing Director CIO Mag, France
  •  Dr. Ahmed Sahab, PDG ITCL Saudi, Arabia
  •   M. Moctar Yedaly, Département Infrastructures et Energie UA
  • Jean-Bertrand Azapmo, AU Trade and Industry Department
  • Mrs. Malek Channoufi, ACSIS, Tunisia
  • M. Dennis Ndalo, operations Commissioner, The order of St-John Kenya
  • M. Makane Faye, African Union IGF
  •  M. Ibrahima Noureddine Diagne, Gaindé 2000, Senegal
  •  Mrs. Sabrina Ielmoli, UNCTAD
  •  Mrs. Nathalie Vialle, UNCTAD

After a hotly contested hearing of 13 teams candidates from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Mauritius, Tunisia, DRC, Senegal, etc., the jury deliberated with the following results:
Winner : M. Moustapha Djimera, Application IWANGA,  Mauritania
2nd Prize : M. Thierno Souleymane Agne, Application E-connect AGRI, Senegal
3rd Prize : M. Jacob Diatta, Application Taxibokko, Senegal

ACSIS President warmly thanked the members of the International Jury of Experts, ACSIS ECMAA Awards Organizing Committee and all the partners that enabled the success of the competition: The Governments of Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Tunisia, the Departments of Trade & Industry, Infrastructure & Energy of the AU, the AU ECOSOCC, UNCTAD, the European Union. He also congratulated all candidates for their enthusiasm, commitment, and the excellence of their applications noting that some made the trip to Nairobi on their own.

The successful candidates who were presented at the closing ceremony of the Africa E-commerce week received congratulations from Ms. Isabelle Durand, UNCTAD Deputy Secretary General and the ovation of the audience.

ACSIS President called upon partners to join ACSIS and support the winners in the implementation of their innovative e-commerce solutions.
ACSIS is the largest pan-African ICT civil society network with more than 500 NGOs from Africa and the African Diaspora. ACSIS is a member of the Economic Social and Cultural Council of the AU (ECOSOCC) and the e-trade For All initiative.


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