9 TH WEST AFRICAN INTERNET GOVERNANCE FORUM, JULY 27 TH AND 28 TH , 2017, COTONOU, BENIN: Digital security for socioeconomic development and peace in West Africa The 9 th West African Internet Governance Forum was held at Golden Tulip diplomat in Cotonou, Benin. The two (2) day event attracted stakeholders across the nations for dialog on digital security for socioeconomic development. The event recorded 418 participants with full house at the closing session The conference was opened by stakeholders with beautiful welcome addresses. But the opening remarks were made by the Minister for Ministry of Digital Economy and Commission (MENC), Benin. The conference also witnessed the report from the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) countries’ representatives such as Nigeria, Benin, Chad, Gambia, Togo, Niger, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, etc. Sessions on Security, Openness and Privacy was moderated by Jacques Houngbo, FGI BĂ©nin. Jacques gave a brief importance of security in...
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