On Friday, December 09th, 2016, United Nations decided to mark a symbolic stop to say NO to the corruption which acts in a fatal way on the development. The fight against corruption which constitutes an important criterion of the good governance managed to be taken into account as a major concern of the government at the international level.
Since the institution from this international day of fight against corruption to this day, we are entitled to wonder if the pursued objectives were reached affected.
To answer this interrogation on the occasion of this contribution seems to us conceited. However, one has to recognize that the corruption continues to go on the rampage in our countries.
The governance of our states is strongly altered by the problems of admissibility, failure to respect the established rules and the often disputed elections, which contribute to a lack of confidence between government and citizens. It is very often that, we notice rich government to the detriment of a working mass, which suffers from an inequitable distribution of the wealth of our countries.
The corruption went out of decision-making circles to affect the public life: the racket of law enforcement on roads, "commodification" by moment of the competitions, the procurement by mutual agreement which does not respect the established rules, practice of the bribes by the economic agents, the partial decisions of justice; in brief, no sector is spared.
To live it together, corollary of the good governance, goes away from our societies. For that purpose, the UN Secretary-General, in his declaration of December 09th, 2015, said this: " the corruption aggravates the violence and the insecurity and accentuates the disparities, especially in the vulnerable societies. She can arouse a very understandable dissatisfaction and an anger and activate social unrests. "
In 2009, Transparency International, indicated in its report which these bribes were able to affect up to 40 billion dollars a year in the only developing countries and in transition. This report indicates us that half of the executives of the international large companies questioned, considered that the corruption entailed an increase of the costs of the projects of at least 10 %. It emerges from this analysis that the consumers paid an additional cost of the order of 300 billion dollars about 300 international private cartels between 1990 and 2005.
So, in 2010, a report of the European Commission indicated, that the corruption would cost 120 billion euros a year to 28 countries of the European Union. According to the World Bank, 1000 billion dollars of bribes would be paid into the world every year, that is 3 % of the international deals.
This institution revealed that the corruption can reduce the growth rate of a country
This institution revealed that the corruption can reduce the growth rate of a country from 0,5 % to 1 % a year. In an African country, " the loss of income at the level of the customs receipts and of the income tax represented 8 to 9 % of the gross domestic product, is six-seven times the amount which the country dedicated to the health. And the fraud concerning the income tax represented 70 % of this amount ".
Finally, for the IMF (INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND), the investment rate in the corrupt countries would be lower of 5 % than those of the less corrupt countries.
In the face of the enormous known economic cost of the corruption, initiatives were taken at the world level to fight against this evil. We could quote the Agreement of United Nations Against the Corruption and many other international mechanisms to make prosper the good governance.
Among the methods proposed by these various mechanisms to improve the governance, we can quote the implementation of rules clearly defined for the procurement, systems of forces of opposition between the main departments as well as bodies of control and auditing.
Certain countries turned to independent committees to control, verify and study the public transactions. These structures of fight against corruption considerably reduced the practices of corruption in Hong-Kong, in Singapore, in Australia, in Poland and in Uganda.
All these mechanisms help actively the sincere national public authorities to reform institutions and weak public systems.
Ivory Coast which ratified most of these treaties, took since 2013 two important legal texts to strengthen its anti-corruption policy.
It is about the prescription n°2013-660 of September 20th, 2013 relative to the prevention and to the fight against corruption and the assimilated breaches, such as modified by the prescription N ° 2013-805 of November 22nd, 2013 and ratified by the law N ° 2013-875 of December 23rd, 2013 and of the Prescription n°2013-661 of September 20th, 2013 fixing the attributions, the composition, the organization and the functioning of the High Authority for the Good Governance, such as modified by the prescription N ° 2015-177 of March 24th, 2015.
Since January 29th, 2015, Ivory Coast subscribed to the African Mechanism of Evaluation by the Peers ( MAEP) whose objective is to improve the governance in the African countries.
The same year, in October, Ivory Coast became officially the first member French-speaking Sub-Saharan country of the Partnership for an Opened Government (OGP). It participates as such in the works of the World Summit which take place at the moment in Paris.
A fast look on the indicators of the Corruption perception index (IPC) of Transparency International over the last 3 years shows a light improvement of the level of corruption in Ivory Coast. 136th in 2013, 115th in 2014 and 107th in 2015. At the level of the IPC of MOH Ibrahim, we note a ranking of 44th in 2013, 40th in 2014, and 35th in 2015.
Ivory Coast was even congratulated on its performances.
Thanks to the advent of the third Republic, the introduction of the new constitution proclaims the class of the transparency in the driving of the public affairs. Better, the article 41 comes to knight measures relative to the declaration of the heritage planned in the above-mentioned prescription 660.
Indeed, this new measure spreads the circle of the persons liable for tax to the declaration of heritage to the magistrates and to other bodies. It is an advance to be greeted, because the declaration of heritage is a way of prevention of the corruption encouraged by the Agreement of United Nations against the corruption.
In spite of this positive evolution, it should be noted that, the corruption is still crawling in all the sectors in Ivory Coast. The phenomenon of the racket to take only this example, costs annually 350 billion FCFA to state coffers inhabitant of the Ivory Coast. This information was given, recently by the Prime Minister, Daniel Kablan Duncan, promising that the " fight against the racket) is going to become intensified on the main highways that are the highway of the North, the coastal and the east ridge ". To imagine how many bridges, hydroelectric power plants, health center, we would have been able to build for the happiness of the populations.
In brief, important efforts remain to make so that the resources of the country are better redistributed to fight against the poverty and allow us to go towards the emergence, the dream of the President of the Republic.
It will be necessary for it that the President of the Republic is merciless for all those, without exception, who would devote to acts of corruption.
Everything must be implemented to push far from the borders of our administration these men and these women, who did not understand that public money is crowned.
For that purpose, we want to take advantage of this space to encourage government and state employees to negotiate peacefully and the serenity to find the formula which removes the anxiety engendered by the application of the prescription on the retreat of the state employees and the officials. We say it so that this situation does not encourage behavior deviants, constituting a pretext quite found by certain evil spirits which could confuse their pocket to that of the State to get ready a golden retreat.
It is the place to encourage the new native of the Ivory Coast, whose behavior must be centred on the respect for the republica. This native of the Ivory Coast who will not confuse any more state coffers with his pocket. This native of the Ivory Coast who will understand that posts him that he occupies has to be an opportunity for him to serve and not to use.
It is at this price that we shall continue to win fights to hope to be a part of nations which will have overcome the poverty on the horizon 2030, such as advocated by the World Bank.
Besides, we have to pass in another more incisive stage which includes inevitably the creation of jurisdictions of repression anticorruption at the institutional level.
We have to make a commitment with the President Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank "on a new program which is inspired by appeals to the transparency and to the responsibility emanating from citizens, and which leans on all the partners and the available tools ".
We remain convinced that a bigger implication of the organizations of the civil society in awareness-raising activities and the training of the populations, but also the denunciation of the bad practices through targeted studies is more than wished in such a context. In it are added the creation and the animation of systems of collection and distribution of the information about the management of the public money, with the aim of establishing the transparency so looked for by the investors.
We greet and support firmly government actions in favour of the good governance and reaffirm our will to work with the Government at the institution of prosperous Ivory Coast through the fight against corruption, which constitutes one of the best strategies of economic development. It is going to be translated by our action plan 2017-2018 which will be declined at the beginning of the year on 2017.
Together let us fight against the corruption to insure the development of our country.
The President
M. Alex. NZI Moro Nicaise
On Friday, December 09th, 2016, United Nations decided to mark a symbolic stop to say NO to the corruption which acts in a fatal way on the development. The fight against corruption which constitutes an important criterion of the good governance managed to be taken into account as a major concern of the government at the international level.
Since the institution from this international day of fight against corruption to this day, we are entitled to wonder if the pursued objectives were reached affected.
To answer this interrogation on the occasion of this contribution seems to us conceited. However, one has to recognize that the corruption continues to go on the rampage in our countries.
The governance of our states is strongly altered by the problems of admissibility, failure to respect the established rules and the often disputed elections, which contribute to a lack of confidence between government and citizens. It is very often that, we notice rich government to the detriment of a working mass, which suffers from an inequitable distribution of the wealth of our countries.
The corruption went out of decision-making circles to affect the public life: the racket of law enforcement on roads, "commodification" by moment of the competitions, the procurement by mutual agreement which does not respect the established rules, practice of the bribes by the economic agents, the partial decisions of justice; in brief, no sector is spared.
To live it together, corollary of the good governance, goes away from our societies. For that purpose, the UN Secretary-General, in his declaration of December 09th, 2015, said this: " the corruption aggravates the violence and the insecurity and accentuates the disparities, especially in the vulnerable societies. She can arouse a very understandable dissatisfaction and an anger and activate social unrests. "
In 2009, Transparency International, indicated in its report which these bribes were able to affect up to 40 billion dollars a year in the only developing countries and in transition. This report indicates us that half of the executives of the international large companies questioned, considered that the corruption entailed an increase of the costs of the projects of at least 10 %. It emerges from this analysis that the consumers paid an additional cost of the order of 300 billion dollars about 300 international private cartels between 1990 and 2005.
So, in 2010, a report of the European Commission indicated, that the corruption would cost 120 billion euros a year to 28 countries of the European Union. According to the World Bank, 1000 billion dollars of bribes would be paid into the world every year, that is 3 % of the international deals.
This institution revealed that the corruption can reduce the growth rate of a country
This institution revealed that the corruption can reduce the growth rate of a country from 0,5 % to 1 % a year. In an African country, " the loss of income at the level of the customs receipts and of the income tax represented 8 to 9 % of the gross domestic product, is six-seven times the amount which the country dedicated to the health. And the fraud concerning the income tax represented 70 % of this amount ".
Finally, for the IMF (INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND), the investment rate in the corrupt countries would be lower of 5 % than those of the less corrupt countries.
In the face of the enormous known economic cost of the corruption, initiatives were taken at the world level to fight against this evil. We could quote the Agreement of United Nations Against the Corruption and many other international mechanisms to make prosper the good governance.
Among the methods proposed by these various mechanisms to improve the governance, we can quote the implementation of rules clearly defined for the procurement, systems of forces of opposition between the main departments as well as bodies of control and auditing.
Certain countries turned to independent committees to control, verify and study the public transactions. These structures of fight against corruption considerably reduced the practices of corruption in Hong-Kong, in Singapore, in Australia, in Poland and in Uganda.
All these mechanisms help actively the sincere national public authorities to reform institutions and weak public systems.
Ivory Coast which ratified most of these treaties, took since 2013 two important legal texts to strengthen its anti-corruption policy.
It is about the prescription n°2013-660 of September 20th, 2013 relative to the prevention and to the fight against corruption and the assimilated breaches, such as modified by the prescription N ° 2013-805 of November 22nd, 2013 and ratified by the law N ° 2013-875 of December 23rd, 2013 and of the Prescription n°2013-661 of September 20th, 2013 fixing the attributions, the composition, the organization and the functioning of the High Authority for the Good Governance, such as modified by the prescription N ° 2015-177 of March 24th, 2015.
Since January 29th, 2015, Ivory Coast subscribed to the African Mechanism of Evaluation by the Peers ( MAEP) whose objective is to improve the governance in the African countries.
The same year, in October, Ivory Coast became officially the first member French-speaking Sub-Saharan country of the Partnership for an Opened Government (OGP). It participates as such in the works of the World Summit which take place at the moment in Paris.
A fast look on the indicators of the Corruption perception index (IPC) of Transparency International over the last 3 years shows a light improvement of the level of corruption in Ivory Coast. 136th in 2013, 115th in 2014 and 107th in 2015. At the level of the IPC of MOH Ibrahim, we note a ranking of 44th in 2013, 40th in 2014, and 35th in 2015.
Ivory Coast was even congratulated on its performances.
Thanks to the advent of the third Republic, the introduction of the new constitution proclaims the class of the transparency in the driving of the public affairs. Better, the article 41 comes to knight measures relative to the declaration of the heritage planned in the above-mentioned prescription 660.
Indeed, this new measure spreads the circle of the persons liable for tax to the declaration of heritage to the magistrates and to other bodies. It is an advance to be greeted, because the declaration of heritage is a way of prevention of the corruption encouraged by the Agreement of United Nations against the corruption.
In spite of this positive evolution, it should be noted that, the corruption is still crawling in all the sectors in Ivory Coast. The phenomenon of the racket to take only this example, costs annually 350 billion FCFA to state coffers inhabitant of the Ivory Coast. This information was given, recently by the Prime Minister, Daniel Kablan Duncan, promising that the " fight against the racket) is going to become intensified on the main highways that are the highway of the North, the coastal and the east ridge ". To imagine how many bridges, hydroelectric power plants, health center, we would have been able to build for the happiness of the populations.
In brief, important efforts remain to make so that the resources of the country are better redistributed to fight against the poverty and allow us to go towards the emergence, the dream of the President of the Republic.
It will be necessary for it that the President of the Republic is merciless for all those, without exception, who would devote to acts of corruption.
Everything must be implemented to push far from the borders of our administration these men and these women, who did not understand that public money is crowned.
For that purpose, we want to take advantage of this space to encourage government and state employees to negotiate peacefully and the serenity to find the formula which removes the anxiety engendered by the application of the prescription on the retreat of the state employees and the officials. We say it so that this situation does not encourage behavior deviants, constituting a pretext quite found by certain evil spirits which could confuse their pocket to that of the State to get ready a golden retreat.
It is the place to encourage the new native of the Ivory Coast, whose behavior must be centred on the respect for the republica. This native of the Ivory Coast who will not confuse any more state coffers with his pocket. This native of the Ivory Coast who will understand that posts him that he occupies has to be an opportunity for him to serve and not to use.
It is at this price that we shall continue to win fights to hope to be a part of nations which will have overcome the poverty on the horizon 2030, such as advocated by the World Bank.
Besides, we have to pass in another more incisive stage which includes inevitably the creation of jurisdictions of repression anticorruption at the institutional level.
We have to make a commitment with the President Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank "on a new program which is inspired by appeals to the transparency and to the responsibility emanating from citizens, and which leans on all the partners and the available tools ".
We remain convinced that a bigger implication of the organizations of the civil society in awareness-raising activities and the training of the populations, but also the denunciation of the bad practices through targeted studies is more than wished in such a context. In it are added the creation and the animation of systems of collection and distribution of the information about the management of the public money, with the aim of establishing the transparency so looked for by the investors.
We greet and support firmly government actions in favour of the good governance and reaffirm our will to work with the Government at the institution of prosperous Ivory Coast through the fight against corruption, which constitutes one of the best strategies of economic development. It is going to be translated by our action plan 2017-2018 which will be declined at the beginning of the year on 2017.
Together let us fight against the corruption to insure the development of our country.
The President
M. Alex. NZI Moro Nicaise
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