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Local Resilience Action Plan

                                                                                                                                                                Local Resilience Action Plan

Bridging the gap towards developing Local Resilience Action Plan (LRAP) calls for massive awareness and sensitization of different stakeholders and community involve in ensuring sustainability and improvement of the city.  Designing and developing Local Resilience Action Plan (LRAP) would not be possible without thorough understanding of the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders vested with the right to see to the improvement of the city.
According to worldbank course on building LRAP and Implementing the Action Plan stated that sensitization is the first key and placed number one toward developing LRAP. The second phase includes technical analysis which simply mean identifying the hazard area of the city and spatial analyses of the targeted hazard area. The third phase includes Needs assessment and stocktaking which is the availability of planned capital management inventory and regulatory /policy changes responsible to take care of the identified hazard area. Then follow by identification of resilience measure and priority of different stakeholders.  Among the group that need to understand the needs for developing LRAP include the multiple sectors of the community which include governmental officials such as Ministry of environmental, agriculture, construction and agriculture and groups that have interest building a flexible and strong city or those affected indirectly.
The evidence is clearly seen that climate changes affect all and not only to some particular and specific people, species, location or city. Since the effect of climate changes have either indirect or direct on us, all must be involve and carry along to prepare a system which will make us withstand the period of disaster that might arise.
The first idea for my city to develop Local Resilience Action Plan would be that the government official and stakeholders should come to understand the needs of local resilience action plan (LRAP) and the overall benefit to the people and the society in general. Once they understand the essence of establishing the plan, this will give way to the fully sensitization and vulnerability assessment in a real time which will bring participation of different groups and stakeholders to fully design and develop LRAP.
Since stakeholders/group/institution that really have the privileged to cater for the improvement of a city, work and consent to aim and vision of the city government, these bodies must come to fully understanding that the building of Local Resilience Action Plan complement the city’s vision and goals for the future.
The understanding for the needs will eventually lead to sensitization and identification of the city level of vulnerability thereby given way to availability of data and information for developing Local Resilience Action Plan (LRAP).  For the city to address the gap existed in term of data, institution, skills and resources, needs to undergoes four core activities which was mentioned above is very important. The four steps will allow the city official prioritizes responsibilities of different institutions for the specifics assets, areas and the most people and region at risk. It will also help in identify the structures level of government, private sector, the policies and plan for the management of disaster in the city.



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