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Can value chain fill the “HOLE” in the agricultural system of production?

Can value chain fill the “hole” in the agricultural system of production?

Imagine the wide hole present in the agricultural system of production. Could you believe that few out of many small scale producers managed to access financial services under a harsh condition while many are not privilege at all? May be if these small producers have gain access to financial services, there would have been food surplus or the opposite.
Has any nation experienced growth without effective system of production? Isn’t it, that’s why efforts has been geared for inclusion of small scale producers in the agric-value chain world wide
 It will be a shock to you that these “hole” is liken to the wide gap and challenges facing small scale producers to better provide quality services and increasing their productivity. Only the fat and wide leg producers can successfully jump over the hole, meeting the necessary requirement and receive support from different institutions and donors thereby controlling the market.

Value chain can be said to be the entire and whole production of system of certain goods and services which comprises of chain actor and supporters to ensure quality production of goods and services.
With the inclusive value chain, do small holders enjoy the same services the large scale producers enjoy? Yes, of course, small scale producers can now have access to financial service and other services which the big “LP” (large producers) has.  This is made possible through the system I called “Made it easy” which is known as value chain (VLC)

The bottleneck for small agricultural producer like collateral securities, trust between the producers and the financial institutions, rigid standards policies, guarantor etc are been made easy through value chain system. Fin4Ag International Conference 2014 is organized to look in-depth of how the whole entire actors in the value chain system can benefit from this effective strategies which not only consider the financial aspect but the sustainability of production in the agriculture system.
Follow me as I look at how value chain can be sustained…
Sustainability of value chain
“Nothing can be made possible without commitment” Every actors either chain actors or chain supporters in its respective functions must be dedicated to allow the system to be sustained along with quality of research. Deepening the value chain will help identify and find means to the constraints of the system and better propose a model that will fit into it.
Here is the few significance of value chain in the agricultural production;
o   Faster response to threat
o   Better quality of agriculture products
o   Easy access to financial services
o   Access to information
o   Access to input credit
o   Easy access to market
o   Reduction in cost of production
Despite of the highlighted benefits above, value chain system in the agricultural setting still need more attention by various stakeholders to help the small holders in agriculture sector to jump over the present hole and help meet the high standards policies of the financial institution.
However, the big actors for the sustainability of agriculture value chain are the financial institutions and the policy makers. What do you think?



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