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Google Map of the Area in Cross River State affected with floods

This document describe area that normally experience flood in the part of Cross River State, Nigeria which always resulted to loss of properties and valuable material and posse great danger on the communities in term of their well being.

Google Map of the Area in Cross River State affected with floods
Note: The area is pin with yellow place-mark in seven locations in Cross River State, Nigeria

1.1  Hazards - Floods: The major type of hazard experience in the city or the state is majorly flood/soil erosion due to heavy downpour of rain and river overflowing due to rising of sea level which resulted into looses of lives, properties, outrageous of diseases and damages etc.
1.2  Vulnerability in term of people: The people mostly affected are the people living in the area situated in the map. It comprises of babies, adults and aged people majorly the efik, the Ejagham and the bekwara. The area includes Duke town, Eja, Ogoja, Obubra,, Odukpani, Abi, Big Qua town etc. Big Qua town is a town in the city of Calabar which is always affected by flood whenever there is any slight of rain fall and affected business operation and loose of properties. Also in Duke town located in  the city of Calabar experiencing massive flow of flood during rain fall and river flows. Obubra is a local government area in Cross River State where worth of millions of properties and crop production is destroyed through flooding. In this line, people in this area mentioned are finding life difficult due to past disaster that occurred. The Federal Government and State Government are trying in order to help the people find their balance.
1.3  Vulnerability in term of assets:   The flooding resulted to loss habitat, species and protective ecosystem, valuable trees and crops, infrastructures and revenue generation, food and good waters, access to education, home property and most especially people’s lives.

Ranking: I could actually ranked the situation at Cross River State as Low to medium level and high level because in some area affected by flood recovered quickly as within 1  to 2 years while some take much longer years to recovers because of  loss of habitat, health retardation, outrageous of diseases, shortage of foods and poor productive


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